Acerca de
ART. 1
Under the name "Swiss Bam Clan (SBC)" there is an association within the meaning of Art. 60 ff. ZGB as a legal entity. The association exists for an indefinite period.
ART. 2
The association has its seat at the place of the President
ART. 3
The association Swiss Bam Clan (SBC) aims to promote e-sports in the competitive and casual area. The aim is to inspire our teams for online and LAN tournaments and thus raise the gaming experience to a new level.
ART. 4
Members of the SBC association can be natural persons who recognize the aim and purpose of the association and are willing to promote it. The club consists of competitive, casual, staff members. We also always have a place for supporters.
Applications for admission are to be addressed in writing to the President. Acceptance is decided upon by the board.
ART. 5
Active members (competitive, casual, HR managers, competitive leads, managers, team leaders and social media members) with voting rights are natural persons who use the offers and facilities of the association.
Supporters (passive members) have no voting rights, can be natural or legal persons who support the association ideally and financially.
Persons who have made a special contribution to the association can be awarded honorary membership by the general assembly at the suggestion of the board of directors.
ART. 6
Membership expires through:
The resignation must be addressed in writing or orally to the board. After leaving, there are no further obligations to the association.
The executive board can expel any member who is guilty of dishonorable behavior or who damages the interests of the association. The decision to exclude is usually only made after the member has been heard, is communicated to him orally or in writing and applies immediately.
ART. 7
The organs of the Swiss Bam Clan (SBC) association are: a) The general assembly
The board
The association meeting
ART. 8th
The ordinary general meeting takes place every year within the first six months of the year.
The invitation to the general meeting is issued in writing by the board of directors, stating the agenda, with a notice period of at least 20 days.
Motions for the Annual General Meeting must be sent to the President no later than two weeks in advance.
ART. 9
An extraordinary general meeting is to be convened by resolution of the board of directors, at the request of at least one fifth of the members. The invitation must be sent ten days before the meeting.
ART. 10
The tasks and powers of the General Assembly are as follows:
Approval of the annual report, the annual accounts.
Discharge of the board
Determination of the annual budget and the annual contributions
Election of the President, the other board members
Dealing with requests from the Board of Directors and members, dealing with appeals
Amendment of the Statutes
dissolution of the association.
ART. 11
Resolutions at the Annual General Meeting are passed in open voting with a simple majority. Voting takes place secretly only if this is expressly requested by the majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the President has no casting vote.
All active members present have the same voting rights.
The affected member is excluded from the right to vote when passing a resolution on the discharge, a legal transaction or a legal dispute between him and the association.
Passive members (supporters) have no voting rights.
ART. 12
The Executive Board consists of at least three members and is elected by the Annual General Meeting for a term of one year. It constitutes itself. The board has a quorum if at least two members are present. It is convened at the request of the President or at the request of a member of the Executive Board. Even in the event of a tie, the President's vote counts once.
If members of the Board of Management resign during their term of office, the Board of Management is automatically supplemented. Such elections must be submitted for confirmation at the next General Meeting.
ART. 13
The board consists of:
Accumulation of offices is permitted.
ART. 14
In principle, the Management Board has all the powers that are not expressly reserved for the Annual General Meeting. These are in particular:
Preparation and implementation of ordinary and extraordinary general meetings
Drafting statutes, applications and regulations
Admission and Expulsion of Members.
ART. 15
The board represents the association externally. He draws collectively in pairs with the President.
ART. 16
The assets of the association are made up of membership fees, income from competitions, surpluses from the operating accounts, any donations, event fees and legacies.
ART. 17
Only the assets of the association are liable for the liabilities of the association. The personal liability of the members for the liabilities of the association is excluded.
Members whose membership expires before the association is dissolved have no claim to the association's assets.
ART. 18
The financial year coincides with the calendar year. The annual accounts are closed on December 31st and an inventory is drawn up.
ART. 19
The presence of at least three quarters of all members is required for the amendment of the statutes. A three-quarters majority is required to accept such a motion.
If the number of those entitled to vote does not reach the required number of voters, a second general meeting with the same agenda must be convened within six weeks. This is quorate, regardless of the number of members.
ART. 20
In the event of the dissolution of the association, the general meeting decides on the distribution of the liquidation proceeds.
These statutes were approved in the present form at the founders' meeting.
ART. 1
Under the name "Swiss Bam Clan (SBC)" there is an association within the meaning of Art. 60 ff. ZGB as a legal entity. The association exists for an indefinite period.
ART. 2
The association has its seat at the place of the President
ART. 3
The association Swiss Bam Clan (SBC) aims to promote e-sports in the competitive and casual area. The aim is to inspire our teams for online and LAN tournaments and thus raise the gaming experience to a new level.
ART. 4
Members of the SBC association can be natural persons who recognize the aim and purpose of the association and are willing to promote it. The club consists of competitive, casual, staff members. We also always have a place for supporters.
Applications for admission are to be addressed in writing to the President. Acceptance is decided upon by the board.
ART. 5
Active members (competitive, casual, HR managers, competitive leads, managers, team leaders and social media members) with voting rights are natural persons who use the offers and facilities of the association.
Supporters (passive members) have no voting rights, can be natural or legal persons who support the association ideally and financially.
Persons who have made a special contribution to the association can be awarded honorary membership by the general assembly at the suggestion of the board of directors.
ART. 6
Membership expires through:
- exit
- exclusion
- death
The resignation must be addressed in writing or orally to the board. After leaving, there are no further obligations to the association.
The executive board can expel any member who is guilty of dishonorable behavior or who damages the interests of the association. The decision to exclude is usually only made after the member has been heard, is communicated to him orally or in writing and applies immediately.
ART. 7
The organs of the association Swiss Bam Clan (SBC) are: a) The general assembly
- The board
- The association meeting
ART. 8th
The ordinary general meeting takes place every year within the first six months of the year.
The invitation to the general meeting is issued in writing by the board of directors, stating the agenda, with a notice period of at least 20 days.
Motions for the Annual General Meeting must be sent to the President no later than two weeks in advance.
ART. 9
An extraordinary general meeting is to be convened by resolution of the board of directors, at the request of at least one fifth of the members. The invitation must be sent ten days before the meeting.
ART. 10
The tasks and powers of the General Assembly are as follows:
- Approval of the annual report, the annual accounts.
- Discharge of the board
- Determination of the annual budget and the annual contributions
- Election of the President, the other board members
- Dealing with requests from the Board of Directors and members, dealing with appeals
- Amendment of the Statutes
- dissolution of the association.
ART. 11
Resolutions at the Annual General Meeting are passed in open voting with a simple majority. Voting takes place secretly only if this is expressly requested by the majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the President has no casting vote.
All active members present have the same voting rights.
The affected member is excluded from the right to vote when passing a resolution on the discharge, a legal transaction or a legal dispute between him and the association.
Passive members (supporters) have no voting rights.
- Executive
ART. 12
The Executive Board consists of at least three members and is elected by the Annual General Meeting for a term of one year. It constitutes itself. The board has a quorum if at least two members are present. It is convened at the request of the President or at the request of a member of the Executive Board. Even in the event of a tie, the President's vote counts once.
If members of the Board of Management resign during their term of office, the Board of Management is automatically supplemented. Such elections must be submitted for confirmation at the next General Meeting.
ART. 13
The board consists of:
- president
- actuary
- cashier
Accumulation of offices is permitted.
ART. 14
In principle, the Management Board has all the powers that are not expressly reserved for the Annual General Meeting. These are in particular:
- Preparation and implementation of ordinary and extraordinary general meetings
- Drafting statutes, applications and regulations
- Admission and Expulsion of Members.
ART. 15
The board represents the association externally. He draws collectively in pairs with the President.
ART. 16
The assets of the association are made up of membership fees, income from competitions, surpluses from the operating accounts, any donations, event fees and legacies.
ART. 17
Only the assets of the association are liable for the liabilities of the association. The personal liability of the members for the liabilities of the association is excluded.
Members whose membership expires before the association is dissolved have no claim to the association's assets.
ART. 18
The financial year coincides with the calendar year. The annual accounts are closed on December 31st and an inventory is drawn up.
ART. 19
The presence of at least three quarters of all members is required for the amendment of the statutes. A three-quarters majority is required to accept such a motion.
If the number of those entitled to vote does not reach the required proportion of voters, a second general meeting with the same agenda must be convened within six weeks. This is quorate, regardless of the number of members.
ART. 20
In the event of the dissolution of the association, the general meeting decides on the distribution of the liquidation proceeds.
These statutes were approved in the present form at the founders' meeting.